This episode features the boy and the man coming across the man who has been struck by lighting and is nearing death. The boy is eager to help the man struck by lightning because he is naive in comparison to the man who understands that they can't even help themselves, let alone anybody else suffering. It is an important episode as it summarises the sense of helplessness constantly present in the novel and how they have to completely detatch themselves from situations because there is nothing they can do for anybody.
The man begins to lay his identifiable belongings on the ground, such as his credit cards and photos of his wife, signifiying that he wants to escape from the person he once was and become somebody else who does not hold these painful memories of his past, because they will never be coming back so he has to move on. He then walks away, similar to how he is walking away from the person he used to be.
This scene stands out amongst many as it features a third human being whereas the novel mostly surrounds the boy and the man alone.
The mood is sombre and helpless as we are shown the fact that they can't do anything for him because he will die anyway. Their ability to just walk away and leave him shows their emotionless feelings, but the boy is clearly affected by this as he cries, showing he is not quite as aware as the man of their desperate situation. The man is also affected but more discreetly as the act of removing his personal possessions shows he dislikes the person he is becoming and does not want to be associated with who he once was.
The episode features no speech marks or proper sentence structure, with random phrases without clauses are strung together to form paragraphs. This emphasises their helplessness and exhaustion and also shows them as expressionless as they can not express their emotions with correct punctuation.
This is good but would benefit from some textual support. Also consider what a horrific scene this must be yet the horror of it is underplayed somewhat.